Upcoming Meetings

If you plan on joining us, here is the schedule. It’s a good idea to read ahead the chapters listed so that you can join in the conversation!



August 12th at 7 PM: We will be reading and discussing the essays, The Mowing of a Field, The Roman Road, The Onion Eater, and The Return to England from Hills and the Sea by Hilaire Belloc.


August 26th at 7 PM: We will be reading and discussing the essays, The Valley of the Rother, The Coronation, The Men of the Desert, and The Departure from Hills and the Sea by Hilaire Belloc.


September 9th at 7 PM: We will be reading and discussing the essays, The Idea of a Pilgrimage, The Arena, At the Sign of the Lion, and The Autumn and the Fall of Leaves from Hills and the Sea by Hilaire Belloc.


September 23nd at 7 PM: We will be reading and discussing the essays, The Good Woman, and  The Harbour in the North from Hills and the Sea by Hilaire Belloc.